
500 g SERA vine leaves

1 lemon

1 tea cup Riviera olive oil

For the filling:

2 medium size onions

1,5 cup SERA rice


1 tablespoon SERA tomato paste

SERA black pepper, red pepper flakes, cumin, dried mint



Soak the vine leaves for 2-3 minutes, wash and drain. Then grind the onions in a large pot. Add half a tea cup Riviera olive oil. Wash the rice and add in the pot. Add spices, tomato paste, salt and parsley and mix. Put the filling on the wider part of the leaf and roll the leaf while closing on both edges. Add the remaining half tea cup olive oil and lemon slices on the dish. Add some water a bit more than the level of the dish, cook on low heat. If you wish, to give some taste and liveliness to your dish, you can pour some extra virgin olive oil after it is cooked.